
Dealing with Anxiety

Anxiety and Its Impact

Anxiety is a mental health disorder that negatively affects our well-being. You may be familiar with some anxiety disorders, such as Social Anxiety Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Some mental health conditions, like substance dependence, can be harder to recognize because their symptoms are not always obvious.

Anxiety is often experienced as a persistent feeling of worry, usually related to uncertainty. While it is a normal human reaction to major life changes or important decisions, excessive and prolonged anxiety can become debilitating. This is why learning how to manage and reduce anxiety is essential. When anxiety is not well-controlled, it may cause the brain to continuously release stress hormones, which can negatively impact physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety affects our mood, ability to handle daily challenges, relationships, and overall quality of life. Symptoms vary from person to person, but the most common include:

  • Feeling fearful for no apparent reason
  • Restlessness or a constant urge to move
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches and dizziness
  • Excessive sweating
  • Cold and clammy hands
  • Fast, shallow breathing, which can cause lightheadedness and dizziness
  • Tremors
  • Stomach discomfort or pain
  • Irregular bowel movements
  • Increased heart rate
  • Muscle tension, especially in the jaw, shoulders, and neck
  • Panic attacks
  • Heart palpitations
  • High blood sugar levels
  • Irritability
  • Tingling sensations in different parts of the body

Dealing with anxiety     

Engaging activities reduce anxiety

Because anxiety has negative effects, we often seek quick solutions to feel better. However, when anxious, we don’t always make the best decisions. Turning to harmful substances, such as alcohol or drugs, as a way to cope can lead to addiction and long-term health issues.



Healthy Ways to Manage Anxiety

Recognizing the causes of anxiety is the first step toward managing it. Stressors can vary from person to person and may include health conditions, family or social environment, financial struggles, living conditions, or other factors that impact well-being.

If the cause of anxiety is unclear, working on thought patterns can be helpful. Research shows that repetitive negative thinking can contribute to both anxiety and depression.

Engaging in activities such as yoga, meditation, walking, painting, reading, dancing, and writing can help relax the mind and shift focus away from stressors.

The good news is that anxiety is treatable. Treatment options include medication, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and other therapeutic approaches.

By combining proper treatment, healthy lifestyle habits, and positive social interactions, you can lower anxiety levels and regain a sense of joy and well-being.