Our Prices


Transparency and Trustworthiness

At UMATTERCARE, our commitment to transparency and trustworthiness forms the foundation of our approach to client care. We believe that open communication and clear information are essential elements in establishing a strong and trusting relationship with our clients. We understand the importance of transparency in the healthcare journey, ensuring that our clients are well-informed and confident in the decisions they make for their well-being.

Transparency in Communication

We prioritize clear and honest communication with our clients, providing them with a complete understanding of our services, processes, and associated costs. This commitment to transparency extends to all aspects of our interactions, fostering an environment of openness and trust.

Client Trustworthiness

Trust is earned through consistent and reliable service. UMATTERCARE is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and ethical conduct. By placing the utmost importance on the well-being and confidentiality of our clients, we strive to build and maintain a relationship founded on trust and mutual respect.

Client-Centered Care

Our values extend to a client-centered care approach, where the individual needs and preferences of each client are considered and respected. We recognize the uniqueness of every client and tailor our services to address their specific requirements, ensuring a personalized and supportive experience


Medical Detox Services
  • Facility Stay: $900 per night
  • Home Services: $1500 – $2000 per night
Comprehensive 30-Day Program
  • Starts at $12K (based on the complexity of the client’s health issues)
  • Maximum price: $15K
  • Included in the program:
    • Medical detox and rehabilitation

    • Personalized treatment and relapse prevention plan

    • Daily counseling sessions

    • Family counseling

    • Unlimited aftercare support

  • Length of stay may be extended based on individual needs

Psychotherapy Sessions
  • Individual Therapy: $125 per hour
  • Family and Couple’s Therapy: $150 per hour
Flexible Session Options
  • In-person
  • Remote/Virtual
  • Combination of both

UMATTERCARE is driven by the core values of transparency and trustworthiness, embodying these principles in every aspect of our services to empower our clients in their journey towards health and well-being.